Friday, October 5, 2007

Update and Monaco

Things are still going well. The past week I played some badminton; tried out the Copenhagen Chess Club (I beat a master of rating 2000 or so!!), went to a classmate’s birthday party where I sang happy birthday in Hungarian (just because it’s a short song does not mean it is easy to sing…) and have been keep up with work.

I started my classes at studieskole which is a language school separate from the university. The class was too easy, but I missed the first day and after the 2nd time they said it would probably be too late to switch to a higher level. So now I am stuck in the easier one until November when I can move up. I am hoping the teacher will just let me turn in homework and let me take the exam at the end so I do not have to sit in class for 6 hours a week when I know most of what she is talking about already.

I realized that through the library system here you can rent DVDs just like in the US. So the last two weeks I have seen almost all of Lars Von Trier’s films. He is considered the most famous Danish Director and you may have heard of him from Dogville with Nicole Kidman (good, but long movie). He does his work in trilogies. If you are interested in seeing any of them I recommend completely avoiding the first trilogy and trying Dogville and Breaking the Waves (both in English), or a miniseries in Danish called “Riget” (The Kingdom in English) which I think is available in the US with subtitles. His films are definitely all different and unpredictable.

As I mentioned last time I was going to the Opera. It was a really great evening. The opera was “La Boheme” sung in Italian with Danish subtitles—which I could thankfully follow. I went with my landlord Denise and my two Italian friends Giuseppe and Goffredo. The only one who had problems was Goffredo who did not know any Danish because they all agreed at many points it is impossible to understand the way it is sung. I didn’t really know how I would like it never having been to an Opera before but it was quite entertaining and it was nice to see the inside of the building.

I have also been talking to Denise a little bit more about her life and experience in Denmark. She is from Albania as I have mentioned but she lived in Italy before coming to Denmark. She has been living here for 10 years now and is now writing her masters in psychology.

Because she was living in Denmark before the large unrest in the region near, and in Albania she had learned Danish before many refugees from the region began arriving in Denmark. Because of this she worked as a translator for the Red Cross in Denmark and she was in very high demand. She has also worked as a translator when the government-royalty of Albania came to visit the Danish government/royalty allowing her to meet so high-ups on each side. I wish I knew two kind of obscure languages because if she ever needs money she can go back to that—they pay very well! In the end she decided to pursue her education instead. She says that she does not like translating that much because she always wants to but in with her own opinion.

Other than that update there is not much going on so here is a little more of my trip with Dad and Donnie:


Leaving in the morning from Nice we left to Monaco and thankfully it is considered a part of France so our Euro rail passes worked transporting to and from, although apparently they don’t believe in lockers as we had to take our backpacks with us all day before our train later that night. Monaco is technically its own country and after checking Wikipedia the world’s 2nd smallest country and most densely populated country.

The architecture of Monaco is very similar to Nice except much more hilly. The town/country is really cut into the hillside which gives it a very nice, unique look.

We went up to one highpoint in the town where the castle was along with an older church. It was a nice area with amazing views looking down towards the water and back up towards the Cliffside.

After this we checked out the famous Monte Carlo Casino (after getting off at the wrong bus stop because I fell for an imitation)! It was quite expensive to enter for what one actually gets to see, but it was OK. All of the tables for playing were high stakes but we found some cheap slot machines that kept us—particularly Donnie—entertained for a half hour or so.

We were then tired from walking around all day so we took the bus down to the beach and relaxed for a long while. Unlike in Nice this beach had smaller rocks so it was manageable.

Next we found a place for diner before our train ride. We found a nice place to eat and surprised the woman outside by telling her we wanted to eat (I think it was around 6pm or so). The meal proved quite entertaining.

In the beginning we were fighting off birds that literally wanted to jump onto our table. Next, a couple showed up that sat under the table with a tree above it. This was not a good idea as a few birds sat above them waiting to dive bomb and putting there food in danger by pooping on it… So they moved to another table. Then came the wasps… They were attracted to the woman—who apparently was very allergic to them—and she would freak out whenever they came close, jumping out of her seat. They switched tables again but she could not avoid it, and they ate quickly and left.

While we were sitting there relaxing as our meal was ending a German couple received their bill. They proceeded to argue with the owner/waitress of the restaurant. They said the food was good but they did not think it was worth 60 euros. I had no idea if there was merit to their argument but the owner went absolutely berserk. I think they had a language barrier issue but when the owner kept saying “I don’t understand” they would say “yes you do”. She slammed the plates she had taken away back onto their table asking saying “It’s all gone! Did you not like it?!? During the episode she also turned to our table, smiled, and winked like she was having fun with it all, despite clearly being pissed off. Nice entertainment during the meal…

After this little argument we got to witness another one in the train station between a man who seemed a bit loopy, or maybe drunk, and the train station staff. I watched the beginning unfold where he was trying to drink alcohol in the station and then went to brush my teeth after the argument went on for about 5 minutes. He was thrown out by the time I got back…

Now on the night train off to Florence

Here are a few pictures of Monaco—although I think I must have lost a few as I have none of the castle or casino...

Euro Trip - Monaco

Hope all is going well at home,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that there are restaurant managers all over the world dealing with idiot customers...that will help get me through tomorrow's lunch rush :-)