Sunday, February 10, 2008

Looking Back...

For a final thought on my study abroad experience I thought I would do a quick top 10 things I miss/don't miss from Copenhagen. I am ripping this off from a friend of a friend, but I think it is a good way to end things.

Ten things I will miss about Copenhagen (in no particular order)

1. Being so close to other countries/cultures that are not far at all to travel to.
2. Cheap airlines to get to these countries.
3. Biking everywhere.
4. Having university classes 2 days a week.
5. Speaking Danish with almost all my friends.
6. Meeting other international students from all over and talking about language/culture/anything
7. My friends
8. Danish Bakeries, ice cream, falafel.
9. Nice public transportation
10. Being independant

And the things I won't miss...

1. Bike problems, mostly flat tires
2. Much of studieskole--the Danish course outside of University
3. The cold.
4. Expensive restaurant prices
5. Expensive everything prices...
6. No public tennis courts!
7. No campus at the university
8. The confusing University system...

And for all those interested, I just got my grades back. Did really well on my oral phonetics exam, and pretty poorly on my translation exam--basically as expected.

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